QR Code Menu: 5 Reasons to Adopt Them Into Your Business

QR Code Menu: 5 Reasons to Adopt Them Into Your Business
QR code, QR code menu, restaurant menu

Businesses should evolve, transform, and continuously adapt to new data and technological opportunities associated with modern technology's evolution. For instance, the QR code menu is one of the technologies businesses need to adopt to enter a new technological era. QR code menus are one of those technologies that originated during the pandemic years. It is now more crucial than ever for restaurants to adapt to the requirements of the post-pandemic era.

To recover from the consequences of the pandemic and lockdown, the food industry has begun to adopt restaurant technology, such as contactless ordering options and digital menus like QR code menus. So, more and more restaurants provide a QR code menu to assist dine-in customers as well as those who order from home.

If you want to be a part of this shift, you should immediately adopt this digital menu into your online and physical menus.

What is a QR Code Menu?

QR code menu, QR menu, new menu, restaurant menu

A QR code menu is difficult to describe but easy to understand and implement for businesses. QR codes are not identical to barcodes, but they can be considered their descendants. The pandemic and hygiene regulations and standards ignited the need for QR codes since those menus permit the non-exchange of catalogs.

So, the restaurant QR code menu is a digital menu that customers can access by scanning the code with their smartphones. This digital code version eliminates the need for a physical, single-use menu, which explains why it is so prevalent in COVID-19. However, your restaurant should continue using it, as it remains indispensable for restaurant owners for various reasons.

scanning qr code, new menu, new qr code, restaurant menu

Customers appreciate the "quick response" service that QR Codes provide. They can scan the code with their smartphones and are redirected to a landing page on the restaurant's website, where the code is translated into a readable pdf or digital menu. Owners place QR Code Menus on their restaurant tables; each individual has the same QR code to scan. In addition, QR codes are divided into static and dynamic QR codes, but this distinction pertains to the type of code and has no bearing on your customers or you.

Some QR codes enable customers to view the menu, select their desired items, place an order, and pay using mobile devices. This contactless menu ordering experience elevates the restaurant menu to greater importance. Thus, the process becomes effortless, quick, and enjoyable for restaurant staff and clients, who can complete a series of typically time-consuming actions with just a few clicks. And particularly now, when everyone has a smartphone, it is the ideal time to adopt these features to streamline processes. If some smartphones cannot read QR codes, some applications can, such as Viber, so your customers will have the means to do so.

Benefits of QR Code Menus

qr code menu, new menu, new qr code

QR code menus provide a touchless and user-friendly dining experience for diners and restaurant owners, providing several benefits to both parties.

  1. Sustainability

One factor that significantly influences a business's long-term growth and viability is sustainability, which significantly impacts the food industry. Therefore, many consumers favor and select restaurants and businesses in the restaurant industry that prioritize sustainability and environmental impact.

QR menus reduce paper consumption, as digitization may eliminate the need for physical menus and the wasteful creation of many pages. The contribution to the environment significantly affects the restaurant's brand image, as consumers now check out reviews and the restaurant's reputation, the restaurant's impact on the environment and its staff's and owner's behavior towards it.

2. Customer Safety and Hygiene Protocols

With the pandemic and the existence of Covid-19 protocols, businesses should have taken precautions and begun adopting QR code menus so that customers can scan the menus from their mobile devices and do not have to swap out catalogs on the tables.

Consequently, the absence of a printed menu contributed to the reduction of the pandemic's spread in these areas, as it was as if everyone had their menu or personal catalog on their mobile phone.

In some countries, having a QR code menu was a prerequisite for reopening, so many restaurants were forced to adopt this measure to reopen after the quarantine. Now that it is no longer mandated, many restaurants have kept it to save money on paper. Customers are protected against spreading viruses and bacteria transmitted from joint surfaces after touching the mouth, nose, etc.

3. Improved Restaurant Operations

QR code menus simplify restaurant operations and processes. There may be frequent changes to the menu, dishes, or daily specials, and updating all menus can be time-consuming and expensive.

Alternatively, the dishes may change without updating the menus, resulting in a mismatch in some or all categories. This means there may be communication issues between the service staff, kitchen, and customers.

As a result, QR menus do not permit such nonsense, as they can be modified automatically by altering a single element. Thus, all tables can have an up-to-date menu with the click of a button, and miscommunications between the kitchen and service can be avoided as waiters can also have an up-to-date menu via QR code.

In addition, if an item runs out, restaurants may need to cross it off or reprint the menu manually. The restaurant can update the menu on its website or digital platform using QR codes in real time. They can easily add new items, remove sold-out ones, and adjust prices without generating paper waste or requiring additional effort.

Scanning qr code, new menu, new qr code

4. Streamlined Ordering Process

With QR code menus, customers can instantly access the menu using their smartphones to scan the QR code. There's no need to wait for a physical menu or ask a server for one; it's right at their fingertips, and the process is straightforward as these menus are updated.

Customers can also take advantage of special deals and discounts that can be updated instantly on the QR code menu. In addition, QR code menus can be provided in different languages, and international customers can easily switch to their preferred language.

5. Adoption of QR Code Menus on Websites

If you're already reaping the benefits of QR code menus in your physical location, extending the same convenience to your websites is time well spent. By incorporating QR code menus into your online platform, you can significantly improve your online ordering and delivery services, making it even more straightforward for consumers to access your menu with a simple smartphone scan.

In addition, website QR code menus provide real-time updates, allowing you to rapidly add or remove items, update prices, and introduce new promotions. This ensures that your consumers always have access to the most current information. Or you can offer your clients customized promotions and discounts based on consumer preferences and ordering history through those menus.

Moreover, some QR code menus on websites offer contactless ordering. Customers can place orders directly on the website, eliminating the need for in-person interactions or cooperation with online delivery services.

Implementing QR code menus on your website not only improves the online ordering experience for your consumers but also increases your restaurant's overall efficiency. This digital solution can help your business attract tech-savvy customers and remain competitive.


QR code menus are one of the most essential tools restaurants and businesses in the food industry can use to grow and evolve today. As a result, an increasing number of businesses adopt these systems for their physical store and website, as they attract customers in both locations.

Blend Menu Management is the perfect idea that accomplishes all the above benefits. Blend Menu Management allows for seamless ordering via smartphones without requiring the installation of apps, transforming the dining experience. Customers quickly place orders by scanning a QR code, which increases convenience and engagement. This creative method reduces expenses related to traditional menu distribution and accelerates the ordering process, increasing guest pleasure and boosting income and efficiency.

Check Blend Menu Management here.

Many individuals visit the website and digital menu before entering the restaurant to view prices, determine whether they will enjoy the food options, etc. Therefore, it is more than necessary for you to adopt QR code menus since you promote sustainability and environmental friendliness. They are user-friendly by streamlining procedures both within the restaurant and when placing an order, they promote hygiene standards, and they enhance your online presence.

Blend recommends that you should try QR-code menus. On our website, you will also find a corresponding QR Code. Check it out and download Blend for two weeks for free.